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As the authors write in the introduction, unigenius is not intended to be a technical reference, but
merely a rapid introduction for anyone who is having problems with a specific issue.
Here is a list of abbreviations and acronyms used throughout the book.
Account | An account on a network system is a specific entry in the directory listing of a file system.
--- | ---
AFLP | Agaricus bisporus linkage group
AT3 | alphoid C-banded short arms
BAC | Bacterial artificial chromosome
B3 | C-banding of the short arms
BE | Blasted ends
BES | Blasted ends sequence
BAC | Bacterial artificial chromosome
BAC-end | BAC-end sequence
BAC-FISH | BAC-fluorescence in situ hybridization
BAC-seq | BAC-sequence
BAC-tag | BAC-terminal sequences
BAC-tile | BAC-tile sequence
BAC-TS | BAC-transformation sequence
BB | Blastback
BED | Browser extensible data
BES | Blasted ends sequence
BES-FISH | BES-fluorescence in situ hybridization
BES-seq | BES-sequence
BLAST | Basic local alignment search tool
BLAT | BLAST-like alignment tool
bp | Base pair
BAC | Bacterial artificial chromosome
BAC-FISH | BAC-fluorescence in situ hybridization
BAC-seq | BAC-sequence
bp | Base pair
BES | Blasted ends sequence
BES-FISH | BES-fluorescence in situ hybridization
BES-seq | BES-sequence
BAC-tile | BAC-tile sequence
BAC-TS | BAC-transformation sequence
BLAST | Basic local alignment search tool
BLAT | BLAST-like alignment tool
bp | Base pair
BAC | Bacterial artificial chromosome
BAC-FISH | BAC-fluorescence in situ hybridization ac619d1d87
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